I just bought a book, Secrets of Internet Millionaires by Stuart Tan. It is a step by step guide teaching you how to profit from your online business even if you are a novice. The book is quite comprehensive and details all aspect of building an online business. It is worth a buy if you are seriously considering to venture into internet business.
Presenting a Super Affiliate Program which is worth stopping whatever you are doing right now and take a serious scrutiny on the system within and you will be amazed by how much it has been undervalued at the current offer price. The originator is one of the success pillars in Stuart Tan's Secrets of Internet Millionaires.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Secrets of Internet Millionaires
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
A good domain can boost your online sales
A successful online business is very much associated to the human mindset. A successful affiliate or network marketer leverages on human psychology to profit on their business. In an internet world, your site URL is more or less like a physical address/location of a traditional business. (I am using address and location interchangbly because the address determines the location.) Taking an example from a traditional business, which Coffee Bean store would you remember better? One which is situated in a well known location and the other in a less prominent location? Of course, it will be the first location. In doing an online business, the URL is going to make a lot of difference to your sales. The address matters.
A good domain name is important not for you but for others. A good domain name is something which anyone can remember the moment they set their eyes on it. It should be short like nike.com, money.com, health.com and many more. These are essentially some of the extremely powerful domain names that can make a lot of money if you were to own a domain name like those. Anyone can relate to the content of the sites by just looking at the domain names. See how powerful and effective a good domain name is! Of course, it is impossible to buy a good domain names like those unless you are willing to forge out hundreds of thousands or even millions from your pocket.
What I am bringing across to you is to impress upon you that simple tactics like having a good domain name is pertinent in your online business. You may choose an interesting domain name like earnwhilesleep.com or easytoearnonline.com for example. These phrase-like domain names give a prelude to the content in the site. The first domain name which read as 'Earn While Sleep dot com' tells you that it has something to do with money or business. It is essentially an online business opportunity that works 24/7 even when you are in bed sleeping. It is catchy enough for other people to remember.
To get a good and affordable domain name for your site, you can visit godaddy.com to purchase a domain name. Simply type your domain name in the domain name search box to check its availability. This is to make sure that your domain name you want to purchase is not taken up. The purchasing cost ranges from $1.99 to $8.95 yearly (depending on the availability) which is quite affordable. Some of the very good domain may be taken up and you may require to back order or to buy from a domain buy agent which basically means a much higher price to pay.
Alternatively, you may want to get your site an expired domain names. The reason is simple. Some of the expired domain names were on the net for a few years and had made themselves quite highly targetted with good traffic. You may want to leverage on that and choose a name which is suitable for your site. An expired domain names which Page Rank of 5 or above is considered a good one.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
AdWords Ads Now Free?
A new breakthrough secret is all you now need in order to get your Google AdWords pay-per-clicks FREE!
A gentleman from New York discovered what he calls an "oversight" on the part of 99.9% of all marketers that allows him to get otherwise paid-for advertising at Google as well as all other search engines that allow sponsored ads.
And no, nothing about his "secret" is illegal - nor does it require that you know someone on the "inside" at Google, Yahoo, MSN, Overture and others.
Instead, the New Yorker boasts proudly "...this is something that I caught onto just before 2000 when there was so much search engine craze running around, and started doing small just to test things at first ... but which I later expanded on after getting the hang of it."
This same fellow went on to start and operate sixteen separate online companies selling everything from pet food, DVDs, children's toys & games, books, software, and sold not only his own manufactured products but became an affiliate for other web businesses - all the while applying his mastermind secret.
Over the course of nearly eight years the New Englander confesses "I've actually gotten over $87 million in advertising that using my secret I never had to pay for ... and the largest share of which was more recently in Google pay-per-clicks as well as other forms of pad advertising at search engines ... all of which I got for free ..."
So powerful is his secret that he's able to monopolize any niche online, and can always secure the top premium spots just above the usual organic results featured at most search engines.
He still has to set up an account with the search engines - but after applying his secret he is removed from having to pay for all the costs otherwise involved.
Again, nothing about his secret is either illegal or robs from the search engines.
One spokesperson from one of the most popular search engines said chuckling after being made privy to this amazing secret "Wow! Ha! This is really unique ... and in my expert opinion it would only serve to enhance and bring more business to us at [name of search engine withheld for legal & confidentiality reasons] and not cause us to lose business in the slightest. Amazing!"
The northerner revealed that in this nearly eight years' period of time since applying his secret he's done well over $300 million in sales revenue with a most diverse line of products, and most recently in the last two years netted nearly $166 million after really "buckling down and pressing my secret to its fullest potential."
Now to everyone else's fortune, the city slicker is releasing his secret for getting an unlimited amount of pay-per-click ads to the general public. But he's not promising any of us for how long.
A bit of an eccentric, the gentleman says "We'll see just how long I can make it available before it saturates things."
One famous public web guru pointed out that although this man may gain economically more so as a result of the publication of his secret "he's already so amazingly rich that whether he continues or discontinues its sale will neither make nor break the man, but not grabbing it for yourself while it's still available could prove disastrous for you as you may only have one chance, and a very limited one at that, to get this."
It is currently available at:
=> http://tinyurl.com/3ypplh
...so you may want to head on over there now and get it.
It's in a very easily readable format and is quickly and readily understood and mastered by anyone with even a 4th grade reading level.
While you're there, why not scroll down and review for yourself the huge successes others are now having with this incredible breakthrough in targeted advertising now made freely available to the rest of us?
To your success,
Here's How to Get All Your Google AdWords Pay-Per-Clicks FREE!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Revealing The Secret
Do you know about "The Secret"?
The Secret has been featured on a recent issue of TIME magazine.
It's been featured on Oprah and Larry King.
In fact, MILLIONS of people around the world have already watched this groundbreaking video and discovered The Secret for themselves.
If you haven't, I seriously think it's high time you did! Enjoy the video below.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Everything finally comes to an end but I am still going on and on...
I have never felt so relieved for the past few weeks. It seems that all loads are off my shoulders at this moment. Assignments after assignments and nights of sleepless night trying to meet every datelines is finally over. I can finally enjoy a full 8 hours of sleep. Now, I can concentrate on my unfinished "assignment" of my own internet business. I am obligated to do it and I enjoy doing it so far. I have picked up and learnt many things relating to internet and network marketing. Learning is a life long and indefinite journey; there is no end to the learning journey. No one actually stops learning. It is only a matter of choice from yourself. You stop learning when you do not wish to pick up new knowledge any more. The reason is simple. You do not want to get out of the comfort zone which you are in for years. You are too comfortable with your current lifestyle and the fear of change outweighs any opportunity that is coming along with the change. In short, your fear of change has stopped your progression. You are forever stuck to the ground.
I see a lot of people with ample opportunities that come knocking at their door but they simply brushed it away. They have the opportunity to beccome successful but the pain and labour they are going to endure in the initital phase of the change outweighs the sweetness of the fruits they are harvesting in the future. It is a matter of choice and this flipping switch lies in the person himself/herself. A lot of things are beyond our control but we are fortunate to have full control over our mind. This is the greatest asset bestowed to us and yet, a lot of people are misusing it. Many choose to incline themselves over to negativity, fear, sceptism, suspicion rather than positivity, optimism, etc.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
The Cold Hard Fact of Affiliate Marketing
Why that 1% guy is able to make a killing on affiliate marketing? They treat it as a real real business while the 99% of the affiliates treat it as a "Get Rich Quick" scheme. Remember, in any business, you will be rewarded like a real business if you take your business seriously. If you take it as a hobby, you will be paid as a hobby. Successful affiliate marketers take massive action and they do not give up and persist to reach their success.
Monday, May 7, 2007
My Last Day of Tuition
Today is my last day of tuition with two kids who are brothers. They are Secondary 1 and Primary 4 students, very well behaved and attentive during lessons. Though their results are mediocre, they are one of my best students which I have tutored over the years. Due to the coming hectic work schedule, I have no choice but to stop tutoring them. I have promised their mum that I would tutor them if there is a chance and I hope I could in the future. Though young at age, they are very warm hearted and the big brother would constantly ask if I wanted a refill of drink during the 2 hour 30 minutes lesson. This small gesture, though insignificant to most, impresses me a lot. How many kids nowadays would be so attentive and considerate? They gave me a handphone holder as a parting gift and I am really touched by the sentences that they wrote on the bookmark which was attached with the handphone holder. It says "Thank you teacher for your patience and kind teaching." A short sentence like this shows that the effort I put in from the past is all worthwhile.
Well, with no tuition at the moment, I can also allocate more time for my internet business.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Nothing can hold me back
I logged into my blog this morning and found that the 'Edit Post' interface is so what different from the past. All icons which were supposed to arrange horizontally are all aligned in a vertical fashion. I could not click on most of the icons and hence, I thought I was not able to publish my post. What really happen? I don't know but since it had happened, I guess I have to do something about it. I sent a problem encounterment to the blog support to look into this issue while I tried to post. Luckily, I still can edit post but I am not able to use the icons. Well, I guess I have to make do with it for the time being while waiting for their reply.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Super affiliate Ewen Chia earns his millions in AutoPilots Profit
Super Affiliate Ewen Chia was featured on Singapore's most popular English newspaper, Sunday Times under 'Me and My Money Section'. Internet millionaire like Ewen Chia is the first to be interviewed and featured in this prestigious section of the newspaper which usually goes to mostly CEOs, investors and real estate agents .
This goes to show that Internet marketing is slowly picking up and gaining acceptance in Singapore. Recent years has seen an emergence of many Singaporean dwelling into this niche area which is usually dominated by the westerners. And now, with Ewen Chia making the precedent of being featured on the mainstream media, internet marketing could possibly become a profession by many.
Ewen Chia’s first million is made from one of his excellent product Autopilot Profits. The Autopilot Profits™ System is a plug-and-play turnkey machine which works like mad to deposit instant profits into your bank account 24/7. This system is for everybody and it really benefits beginners and those who have no idea where to start. I'm going to tell you where to start, so you don't even have to think about it. It doesn't take coaching that costs thousands of dollars.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Launching my first e-book
I have written my first ebook on a proven and effective method to promote your businesses online. It is one of the best method that can quickly make your products or services known to other people. I am honoured to share this ebook with you. You are free to redistribute or sell it but on condition you do not modify any content in it. I will be launching my second ebook in June that will entail the top five most recommended and effective method that internet marketers and gurus use to promote their businesses online. Stay tune and watch out for the launching. In the meanwhile, start generating your income using the strategy which has made me considerable earning all this while. Click here to download this free ebook