Monday, April 2, 2007

Making choices in our life

Like it or not, we are always making choices in our life. In the past, I tend to pick on choices that are risk-free and easily achievable within my means. It aslo means that I will be forever stuck in the same position if I continue to remain status quo on the choices that I make. I began to realise that why some people are achieving success while I am not able to. Success people pick on challenging tasks while the mediocres settle on simple tasks. In order to succeed, I have to change my mindset on the selection of choices. I have made my choice not long ago to venture into a niche business which I was skeptical in the past. Skeptism came from the collation of negative feedbacks of others and unknowingly, I chose to be controlled by other people perceptions on this business. In fact, I had been dancing in tune with those who had not set foot into the business, applauding and believing in their unsubstantiated views. Now, I choose to master my own life and not let others control and influence me.

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